Explore data on glacier mass change available on the Climate Data Store#

In this notebook we will use the Climate Data Store (CDS) glacier mass change dataset “Glacier mass change gridded data from 1976 to present derived from the Fluctuations of Glaciers Database” to explore global glacier mass changes over the last 5 decades.

We will start by accessing the glacier mass change dataset from the CDS, read and inspect the annual gridded netCDF4 files.

Then, we will plot the gridded annual glacier mass changes on a global map and make an animation for the entire time series.

Finaly we will explore different ways of plotting the annual time series of global mass change as mean annual mass change rates and uncertainties, as annual climate warming stripes and as total cumulative global mass changes for the full time period.

Initialize Python environment#

# Import standard libraries
import zipfile
# Import third party libraries

import cartopy.crs
import cdsapi

import IPython
import matplotlib.animation
import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.patches
import matplotlib.pyplot
import pandas
import xarray

# Ignore distracting warnings
import warnings

Data description#

This notebook uses the glacier mass change Climate Data Record (CDR) “Glacier mass change gridded data from 1976 to present derived from the Fluctuations of Glaciers Database” available through the C3S Glacier Change Service Climate Data Store (CDS).

The Glacier Change Service addresses the Glacier Essential Climate Variable (ECV). The glacier mass change CDR consists of a global gridded product of annual glacier mass changes in gigatonnes (Gt) at a 0.5° x 0.5° (latitude, longitude) spatial resolution based on glacier change observations covering the hydrological years from 1975/76 to 2021/23. The Glacier mass change dataset was computed by combining the temporal variability from glaciological in-situ glacier observations with the multiannual to decadal trends from airborne and spaceborne geodetic glacier mass change observations. It builds upon individual glaciers glaciological and geodetic time series available from the latest version of the Fluctuations of Glaciers (FoG) database produced by the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) and individual glacier areas from the Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI version 6.0).

The theoretical basis of the Glacier CDR is described in the CDS dataset documentation (Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD), Target Requirements and Gap Analysis Document (TRGAD) and Product Quality Assessment Report (PQAR)). The glaciological and geodetic time series used as input data are extensively discussed in WGMS (2024) and in Zemp et al. (2013, 2015, 2019).

Download data#

We will use the Climate Data Store (CDS) API to download the glacier mass change dataset.

NOTE: To use the CDS API, you first need to register using your ECMWF account (if not already), find your UID and API key on your acount page, and fill them in below.

# Download data from the CDS
c = cdsapi.Client()
        'variable': 'glacier_mass_change',
        'product_version': 'wgms_fog_2022_09',
        'format': 'zip',
        'hydrological_year': [
            '1975_76', '1976_77', '1977_78',
            '1978_79', '1979_80', '1980_81',
            '1981_82', '1982_83', '1983_84',
            '1984_85', '1985_86', '1986_87',
            '1987_88', '1988_89', '1989_90',
            '1990_91', '1991_92', '1992_93',
            '1993_94', '1994_95', '1995_96',
            '1996_97', '1997_98', '1998_99',
            '1999_20', '2000_01', '2001_02',
            '2002_03', '2003_04', '2004_05',
            '2005_06', '2006_07', '2007_08',
            '2008_09', '2009_10', '2010_11',
            '2011_12', '2012_13', '2013_14',
            '2014_15', '2015_16', '2016_17',
            '2017_18', '2018_19', '2019_20',
2024-09-30 14:33:05,885 INFO [2024-04-29T00:00:00] Version WGMS-FOG-2022-09 will be deprecated in the near future. Users are advised to use the latest version.
2024-09-30 14:33:05,886 INFO Request ID is 01079521-60d3-4ba0-96da-1be58d7c6239
2024-09-30 14:33:05,955 INFO status has been updated to accepted
2024-09-30 14:33:09,821 INFO status has been updated to successful

Since the data is downloaded as a zip file, we have to first unzip it.

with zipfile.ZipFile('glacier_mass_change.zip', 'r') as file:

Read and inspect data#

The data are formatted as multiple netCDF4 files, one for each year, but they can be read as a single dataset using xarray.

ds = xarray.open_mfdataset('glacier_mass_change/*.nc4')
Dimensions:      (time: 45, lat: 360, lon: 720)
  * time         (time) datetime64[ns] 1976-01-01 1977-01-01 ... 2021-01-01
  * lat          (lat) float64 89.75 89.25 88.75 88.25 ... -88.75 -89.25 -89.75
  * lon          (lon) float64 -179.8 -179.2 -178.8 -178.2 ... 178.8 179.2 179.8
Data variables:
    Glacier      (time, lat, lon) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(1, 360, 720), meta=np.ndarray>
    Uncertainty  (time, lat, lon) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(1, 360, 720), meta=np.ndarray>
    title:         Global gridded annual glacier mass change product
    project:       Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Essential Climate ...
    data_version:  version-wgms-fog-2022-09
    institution:   World Glacier Monitoring Service - Geography Department - ...
    created_by:    Dr. Ines Dussaillant   ines.dussaillant@geo.uzh.ch
    references:    Fluctuation of Glagiers (FoG) database version wgms-fog-20...
    Conventions:   CF Version CF-1.8
    comment:       Brief data description:Horizontal resolution:\t0.5° (latit...

Each time value contains a date, but represents a hydrological year. For example, 1976-01-01 represents the 1975–1976 hydrological year. To simplify what follows, we reduce each time to the end year of the hydrological year.

ds['time'] = [date.year for date in ds['time'].values.astype('datetime64[D]').tolist()]
<xarray.DataArray 'time' (time: 45)>
array([1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987,
       1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
       2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
       2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021])
  * time     (time) int64 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 ... 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Plot mass change on a map#

Static map for one year#

We use matplotlib and cartopy to make a map of glacier mass change for one year.

# Select year
YEAR = 2021

# Create a map with a plate carrée projection
figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
axis = matplotlib.pyplot.axes(projection=cartopy.crs.PlateCarree())

# Add title
axis.set_title(f"Hydrological year {YEAR - 1}{YEAR}")

# Add latitude, longitude gridlines
axis.gridlines(draw_labels=True, alpha=0.25, linestyle=':', color='white')

# Add white continents against a gray background
axis.add_feature(cartopy.feature.LAND, facecolor='lightgray')

# Define range and ticks of color scale
ticks = [-1, -0.1, -0.01, 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1]

# Plot mass loss in red and gain in blue
# A log scale is used for colors to highlight differences between regions
im = matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh(
        vmin=ticks[0], vmax=ticks[-1], linthresh=0.01

# Add a colorbar with custom ticks
cbar = matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar(
    label='Glacier mass change (Gt)',
cbar.ax.set_yticklabels([f'< {ticks[0]}', *ticks[1:-1], f'> {ticks[-1]}'])

# Show plot

# Print a text describing the figure
txt=(f"Figure 1: Global gridded annual glacier mass-changes (in Gt per year). Visualization example of the gridded glacier change product" 
f"for the hydrological year {YEAR - 1}{YEAR}, spatially distributed in a global regular grid of 0.5° (latitude/longitude).")
Figure 1: Global gridded annual glacier mass-changes (in Gt per year). Visualization example of the gridded glacier change product
for the hydrological year 2020–2021, spatially distributed in a global regular grid of 0.5° (latitude/longitude).

Animation for all years#

Using the map above as a template, we create a map for each year and display them in an animation. Make sure to run this cell immediately after the cell above.

The resulting animation shows the global gridded annual glacier mass-changes (in Gt per year) for the hydrological years from 1975/76 to 2021/22.

# Define the animation parameters
def animate(time_index: int) -> None:
    year = ds['time'].values[time_index]
    axis.set_title(f"Hydrological year {year - 1}{year}")

# Plot static maps for every year and create the animation
animation = matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation(
    interval=500  # ms

# Display animation

Plot timeseries of global mass change#

Compute mean of global change#

The global mass change is the sum of the mass changes reported for each spatial grid cell. We compute it by summing mass change across the latitude (lat) and longitude (lon) dimensions.

# compute mean global glacier mass-change
global_change_mean = ds.sum(dim=['lat', 'lon'])['Glacier']

Compute standard deviation of global change#

If we assume that the mass changes for which we computed the sum above are uncorrelated, the standard deviation of their sum is the square root of the sum of the squares of their standard deviatons:

\( f = \textstyle\sum_i m_i \\ \sigma_f = \sqrt {\textstyle\sum_i \sigma_i^2} \)

See Wikipedia: Propagation of uncertainty for more information.

We divide the uncertainty by 1.96 below because the authors report that this value is 1.96 \(\sigma\) (equivalent to a 95% confidence interval for a normal distribution).

# compute standard deviation of global glacier mass-change
global_change_std = ((ds['Uncertainty'] / 1.96) ** 2).sum(dim=['lat', 'lon']) ** 0.5

View timeseries as a table#

We use pandas to tabulate the mean and standard deviation computed above.

# view global annual mass-change time series and standard deviation as a table
print( "Table 1: Yearly mean global glacier mass-changes (in Gt per year) and their related standard deviation (std)" )
    'year': ds['time'],
    'mean': global_change_mean,
    'std': global_change_std
Table 1: Yearly mean global glacier mass-changes (in Gt per year) and their related standard deviation (std)
year mean std
0 1976 90.711681 29.427761
1 1977 -9.916545 29.827922
2 1978 -7.919292 29.135105
3 1979 -20.050397 29.187522
4 1980 80.726975 29.364131
5 1981 86.211509 31.511226
6 1982 -26.793842 28.662013
7 1983 140.430476 28.653894
8 1984 -29.203053 28.564248
9 1985 32.698277 28.637171
10 1986 69.848798 27.594141
11 1987 134.985990 27.841201
12 1988 12.617256 27.050033
13 1989 -18.082409 26.847752
14 1990 -248.443006 27.656334
15 1991 -143.120973 26.829816
16 1992 133.672195 26.663257
17 1993 -87.847944 26.652052
18 1994 -89.210215 26.410071
19 1995 -200.446107 26.171569
20 1996 -83.870737 25.528025
21 1997 -327.845908 24.748657
22 1998 -158.643409 24.510523
23 1999 -229.454042 24.563616
24 2001 -162.298628 12.494367
25 2002 -160.765585 9.332476
26 2003 -190.294174 14.942672
27 2004 -379.090233 11.315378
28 2005 -403.113326 11.086587
29 2006 -285.326933 11.548195
30 2007 -340.458477 11.253159
31 2008 -174.674641 11.426205
32 2009 -257.799645 8.735710
33 2010 -297.322767 11.295674
34 2011 -390.143004 9.291715
35 2012 -231.262888 9.896819
36 2013 -254.336647 11.493179
37 2014 -165.881781 8.630415
38 2015 -219.722406 8.452308
39 2016 -378.749650 9.953543
40 2017 -273.700155 7.438282
41 2018 -217.651581 12.309113
42 2019 -500.817056 8.147666
43 2020 -398.682773 7.292266
44 2021 -336.283551 8.161970

Plot timeseries#

We use matplotlib to plot the mean and uncertainty of the global mass change for each year.

# Configure the figure
figure, axis = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(9, 6))
axis.set_ylabel('Annual mass change (Gt)', fontsize=12)
axis.set_xlabel('Year', fontsize=12)

# Plot a horizontal line at 0 change
axis.axhline(y=0, alpha=0.5, linestyle=':', color='gray')

# Plot the uncertainty as 1.96 standard deviations below and above the mean
    y1=global_change_mean - global_change_std * 1.96,
    y2=global_change_mean + global_change_std * 1.96,

# Plot the mean as a line

txt=("Figure 3: Annually resolved global glacier mass-changes (in Gt per year) covering the hydrological years from 1975/76 to 2021/22. " 
"Visualization of the temporal component of the global gridded annual glacier mass-change product and associated uncertainties.")

matplotlib.pyplot.figtext(0.5, -0.07, txt, wrap=True, horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=10)

# Show figure

We can also plot this in the style of the popular climate warming stripes.

# Configure the figure
figure, axis = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 1))
axis.set_xlim(0, global_change_mean.size)

# Define a red (negative) to blue (positive) colorscale
colormap = matplotlib.pyplot.get_cmap('RdBu')

# Saturate colors at -500 and +500 Gt
normalizer = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=-500, vmax=500)

# Create a colored rectangle for each year
for i, value in enumerate(global_change_mean):
        xy=(i, 0), width=1, height=1, facecolor=colormap(normalizer(value))

txt=("Figure 4: Climate stripes of annual global glacier mass-changes (in Gt per year) for the hydrological years from 1975/76 to 2021/22." )

matplotlib.pyplot.figtext(0.5, -0.1, txt, wrap=True, horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=10)

# Show figure

Plot total global mass change#

Rather than plot the annual mass change, we would like to plot the total mass change accumulated from the beginning of the series to each subsequent year. To do so, we take the cumulative sum of the annual mass changes calculated above. To calculate the standard deviation of this total, we apply the same principle as before.

# compute cumulative global glacier mass-changes and total standard deviation
global_change_total = global_change_mean.cumsum()
global_change_total_std = (global_change_std ** 2).cumsum() ** 0.5

Again, we can use pandas to tabulate the total and its standard deviation.

# view the cummulative global glacier mass-change time series and their standard deviation as a table
print( "Table 2: Cumulative global glacier mass-changes (in Gt per year) and their related standard deviation (total_std)" )
    'year': ds['time'],
    'total': global_change_total,
    'total_std': global_change_total_std
Table 2: Cumulative global glacier mass-changes (in Gt per year) and their related standard deviation (total_std)
year total total_std
0 1976 90.711681 29.427761
1 1977 80.795136 41.901051
2 1978 72.875844 51.034816
3 1979 52.825448 58.791699
4 1980 133.552423 65.716939
5 1981 219.763931 72.881228
6 1982 192.970089 78.314650
7 1983 333.400565 83.392026
8 1984 304.197512 88.148433
9 1985 336.895789 92.683514
10 1986 406.744587 96.704035
11 1987 541.730577 100.632017
12 1988 554.347833 104.204161
13 1989 536.265424 107.607198
14 1990 287.822419 111.104373
15 1991 144.701446 114.297947
16 1992 278.373640 117.366733
17 1993 190.525696 120.354817
18 1994 101.315481 123.218399
19 1995 -99.130625 125.967158
20 1996 -183.001362 128.527837
21 1997 -510.847270 130.888888
22 1998 -669.490679 133.164059
23 1999 -898.944721 135.410627
24 2001 -1061.243349 135.985834
25 2002 -1222.008934 136.305694
26 2003 -1412.303108 137.122302
27 2004 -1791.393341 137.588384
28 2005 -2194.506667 138.034329
29 2006 -2479.833600 138.516557
30 2007 -2820.292077 138.972912
31 2008 -2994.966718 139.441846
32 2009 -3252.766363 139.715214
33 2010 -3550.089130 140.171086
34 2011 -3940.232134 140.478715
35 2012 -4171.495022 140.826902
36 2013 -4425.831670 141.295115
37 2014 -4591.713451 141.558446
38 2015 -4811.435857 141.810560
39 2016 -5190.185507 142.159446
40 2017 -5463.885663 142.353911
41 2018 -5681.537244 142.885095
42 2019 -6182.354299 143.117207
43 2020 -6581.037072 143.302868
44 2021 -6917.320623 143.535117

Finally, we use matplotlib to plot the total and its uncertainty.

# Configure the figure
figure, axis = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(9, 6))
start_year = ds['time'].values[0] - 1
axis.set_ylabel(f"Total mass change (Gt) since {start_year}", fontsize=12)
axis.set_xlabel('Year', fontsize=12)

# Plot a horizontal line at 0 change
axis.axhline(y=0, alpha=0.5, linestyle=':', color='gray')

# Plot the uncertainty as 1.96 standard deviations
    y1=global_change_total - global_change_total_std * 1.96,
    y2=global_change_total + global_change_total_std * 1.96,

# Plot the mean as a line

txt=("Figure 5: Cumulative global glacier mass-changes (in Gt) from the hydrological year 1975/76 to 2021/22.")

matplotlib.pyplot.figtext(0.5, -0.01, txt, wrap=True, horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=10)

# Show figure

What have you learned?#

You ready to use the Climate Data Store (CDS) glacier mass change dataset to explore how global glaciers have evolved over the last 5 decades.

You know how to plot global glacier-changes in a map and observe how the worlds glaciers have evolved year by year on an animated map from 1976 to 2021.

You also know how to plot global glacier mass-changes in different ways, as mean annual mass change-rates, climate warming stripes or as the total cumulative global mass changes since 1976.

Enjoy playing with the glacier mass change dataset!